Tuesday 3 March 2015

4.Who's Really Tweeting?

 Is Katy Perry the real Dark Horse?

 If you love Katy Perry, I don’t mean to tarnish her innocent and angelic persona but this tweet may not be as real and truthful as it seems. This tweet shown to the left is supposedly from ‘John’, presumably John is either of close relation to Katy Perry or part of her publicity team. The purpose of this tweet in a public relations perspective makes the reader or follower believe that Katy Perry does normally manage her own twitter personally, but however on this occasion she is unable to tweet herself. Therefore, John has kindly filled in for her to write her tweet. This technique employed by Katy Perry’s PR team has an immediate effect either reinforcing her fans that she is normally is the one tweeting or on the other side Katy Perry is genuinely busy because of said reason within the tweet. The Huffington Post believe that she does run her own twitter and has a good relationship with her fans. However, I’m not one hundred percent that she does.

 The second tweet by Wil Wheaton gives a recommendation about a musician, with the large amount of followers celebrities have the reach of their tweets are monumental. However, it does beg the question of real content, as this tweet is written systematically and seems like a pre-formed tweet. It therefore suggests that it is not Wil Wheaton actually writing the tweet. It doesn’t seem naturally tweeted by the Wil Wheaton that would to his mates simply say that he liked the song instead ‘It’s really fantastic. Go listen’ as he sounds like a robot. Whereas with your friend you wouldn’t write your tweet like a dictionary.

Jack Burnet


  1. Great read on a topic that I have considered a lot recently whilst scrolling through my timeline. It seems that most celebrity Twitter accounts aren't quite giving us the personal experience we expect. Another platform for celebrities to covertly market on. What a shame! I thought Twitter was going to offer something different but that desire is rapidly becoming false hope.

  2. Hi Henry. Thanks for your comment. I agree with your point, twitter does offer that interpersonal contact that you don't normally get with celebrities. But this hope seems short lived. It is a real shame that this could all be true.
