Tuesday 3 March 2015

2. Celebrity: Strictly Come Stuntin'

I can’t quite believe that Madonna is older than my mum. I mean, when is she going to step down off that podium and give her body a well-deserved rest? Oh, well, yeah…one of her backing dancers is already giving her a helping hand with that.
So it seems Madonna really was the Material Girl as rumours have been flying down the stairs since The Brits 2015, excuse the pun. But the question is, was Madonna’s ‘wardrobe malfunction’, or should I say ‘tumble’ that saw her being tugged by her neck, just as she was getting Into the Groove of her finale performance, actually a PR stunt? It seems to have got everybody Hung up.

The Queen of Pop’s come back hasn’t been the most thrilling let’s admit it. No offence Madonna, but where have you been for the past…god knows how many years?! So after finding herself literally Free Falling mid performance we find ourselves analysing her latest ‘stunt’. 

Quit while you’re ahead Madonna, you’re not new to the showbiz world, we’ve all read about your past, kissing Britney Spears on stage, yeah…I’ve said enough.
Madonna clearly dropped her microphone and stopped singing moments before the catastrophe which had social media going bonkers within minutes, I think Madonna is Borderline a mid-life crisis, actually high-life – let me remind you, she’s 56!
The way she shrugged the fall off and continued the big finale performance was gagging for attention. Ironic that this was her biggest ‘come back’ performance back since she announced her latest album Rebel Heart, don't you think?
Do something drastic, like plan to fall off a flight of stairs at a major event, maybe The Brits 2015, you know, that little ITV show that got 5.8 million viewers (The Guardian) to tune in with Ant and Dec on the night, at least something went up instead of down. 
Then maybe some people may happen to witness your fall, just in time for your big arrival back into the popstar world; you did it, did it very well actually Mads. Classic planned piece of PR.  

Georgina Talbot

1 comment:

  1. I totally agree with this Georgina…have you seen the video of her snogging Drake on stage at the Coachella festival? He didn't seem as fond of her kissing skills as Britney! Madonna is desperate for attention these days, and non of this attention seems to be positive. But I guess she doesn't mind, any PR is great PR for her!
