Tuesday 3 March 2015

3.Celebrity Fight Club

Celebrity Fight Club

In the last years Twitter has been the official field for a variety of celebrity fights which have resulted in attracting the attention and support of fans, and start rivalries or just made up a bit of a show.

Some recent examples:

Actor vs. singer: Orlando Bloom & Justin Bieber;
Singer vs. singer: Lady Gaga & Adam Levine;
Actor vs actor: Sylvester Stallone & Bruce Willis;
Older brother vs. little brother: Gabriele & Silvio Muccino;
Politician vs. politician/movie star: Sarah Palin & Arnold Schwarzenegger;
Band vs. band: One Direction vs. The Wanted;

In the middle of all the digital clashes, captured by different fans and the media, I have become interested in the Jimmy Kimmel and Kanye West “feud”.

Just before the twitter fight started, Kanye West had recently been on the Zane Lowe BBC radio 1 show where he poured out everything he had to say about media and how he is represented just as a celebrity and not, as he describes himself,  a “creative genius” and a “God” who can realise music, fashion, design, cinema, etc...
On the Jimmy Kimmel Live! show, a parody version of the West’s interview was shown. Two children drinking milkshakes acted in the interview where Kanye West was babbling about things like rap being the new rock and roll and him being the biggest rock star of the moment. This set Kanye West on fire as he started making heavy comments about Jimmy Kimmel…

Jimmy Kimmel replied and asked Kanye West if he could use the @jimmykimmel, so that the tweets could be seen by him (and everyone else).  

People started thinking it was just a typical Jimmy Kimmel’s prank and also a bit of a publicity stunt prepared by the two, but the American host immediately tried to make it clear with his tweets that it wasn’t.

Both used the interview for their own purposes. Kanye West got really emotional and raved on about the fashion world, the media, the paparazzi and generally what has been happening lately in his life and what he wants to do (as he usually does) with Jimmy Kimmel adding extra comedy recapping what happened between them and insuring the world that he doesn’t look like SpongeBob (as West implied with a picture in one of his tweets).

The presence of Kanye West helped Jimmy Kimmel to increase audience’s shares a lot, but once again Kanye West sounds “a little bit” exaggerated when he compares himself to Steve Jobs, Walt Disney and Leonardo da Vinci. It is probably true that he wants to create something extraordinary and fight the system and the media…but in the end what can we do with all this ranting? As he says  “you going love me, you are going hate me…but I’m going to be me” – yeah, a bit of a fanatic.

 Kanye West is a celebrity that had some good and bad PR moments: 

By Sean Cronin


  1. Kanye West is a jumped up, arrogant, self-obsessed narcissist with delusions of grandeur. His ego is bigger than the K2 Mountain. His talent is mediocre. If I was Jimmy Kimmel I would have done the same if it killed two birds with one stone and improved my T.V. ratings and exposed the “I am high and mighty” Mr West.

  2. To give a good and clear interpretation of this episode we have to pay some attention to Kanye's life and songs. He is an artist , and he says very directly , sometimes roughly , what he has got to say. Truth can be hard to swallow sometimes but he doesn't care about it. Also we should consider that his mother died in 2007 after a plastic surgery operation ,maybe due to the excessive attention that the media was casting on her . So if today Kanye is disrespectful and outraged towards the media , he has some very good reasons(also because often they interfere with his private life) . However, this time Kanye is not the bad guy, because on the other hand Jimmy Kimmel acted disrespectfully , but , come on, it's just showbiz , we shouldn't take it that seriously ( and this is the difference between using a social network the right way or not).

  3. Your opinion of Kanye West is noted. I agree with Mattia, it is all just showbiz and everything is blown out of proportion and emphasised to the next degree. All for publicity and ratings mainly, however, Jimmy Kimmel did mock Kanye West outright, i don't know for sure but I don't believe Jimmy Kimmel has made groundbreaking work which has influenced music over the decades. Regardless, of how arrogant Kanye West is, in truth he has been influential. I just think it would be better to hear someone calling him a genius not himself saying he is.
